Part 3: Testing with Faktor-IPS

Testing with Faktor-IPS using Home Insurance as an Example

As a starting point we will use the home insurance projects we created in the introductory tutorial [1].

First we want to test the premium computation for home contracts. This computation is implemented in such a way that it determines a basic premium according to the sum insured and the selected product. Depending on the rating district (which, in turn, is dependent on the zip code of the respective home contents), this basic premium will then be multiplied by a rating district factor. If extra coverages, such as bicycle theft, are included, a specific percentage of the basic premium will be added, for example, + 10% for bicycle theft. This percentage is configured in the product. Depending on the payment mode, an installment charge may be added as well.

First we will create a test case type for premium computation. This type will constitute the basis of our test cases.

1 You can also download the projects ready for import in Eclipse from the Faktor-IPS website: