English Documentation

Release Notes

Version 21.12.2

Retroactive from the version 19.7 Faktor-IPS can now save configuration for other features like the Product Variants in the .ipsproject file. The corresponding versions of the Product Variant Plugin use this feature by reading the configuration

 <FeatureConfiguration featureId="org.faktorips.productvariant">
  <Property name="UseUniqueIds" value="OnlyForVariedComponents" />

and generating product component XMLs and unique IDs only for components which (or their children) are varied in a product variant. This was the behavior before Product Variants 19.7 and was changed to the current mode of generating unique IDs and files for all components to prevent migrations when product variants are changed after their initial release, which produces many more files.

A switch of the behavior to the old way of generating only variied components for product variants already used in production means you’ll have to create a migration of all persisted policies to switch from the variant-specific runtime IDs to the IDs of the unvariied bas product components. The use of this setting is therefor only recommended when migrating from pre-19.7 versions or for new product variant projects if it is organisationally ensured that once a product variant is published it is never changed afterwards.

Version 21.12.1

The Version 21.12.1 fixes one bug:

  • Migration to product variants 21.12 removes double spaces in labels (IPSPV-587)

Version 21.12.0

Besides adapting to Faktor-IPS 21.12 version 21.12 of the Product Variants includes two changes:


  • Non-product-configured policy attributes should not be allowed to be marked as variable in product variants (IPSPV-576)
