English Documentation

Release Notes

Version 22.12.21.release

With patch release 22.12.21 one bug was fixed:

  • ConcurrentModificationException from AbstractRuntimeRepository.getAllReferencedRepositories() (FIPS-11737)

Version 22.12.20.release

With patch release 22.12.20 one bug was fixed:

  • ModelObjectAttributes::resetAttributes expects a setter for cached attributes and constant attributes (FIPS-11713)

Version 22.12.19.release

  • "Edit attributes"-dialogue requires scrollbars (FIPS-11531)

A scroll bar has been added to the ‘Validation rule’ tab of the dialogue for editing attributes. This was necessary as parts of the user interface were no longer fully displayed at low screen resolutions.

Version 22.12.18.release

Patch-Release 22.12.18 fixes the following bugs:

  • "Deleted" to-1 relationships in product variants are not filtered. (FIPS-11309)

When using product variants, associations with cardinality 0..0 are overwritten to exclude them in the variant. For multi-valued associations, links with upperBound=0 have already been filtered since FIPS-7905, however, single-valued associations have not yet been filtered. This has been fixed now.

The adjustment in the code generator leads to changes in the generation of getters in such cases.
  • EnumContent and TableContent XML files: Attribute 'xml:space' is not allowed (FIPS-10532)

The schema validation sometimes reported errors when unable to access the schema definition online. Faktor-IPS now always uses schema definitions bundled offline.

Version 22.12.17.release

Version 22.12.17 fixes the following bug:

  • Comparison of an extensible enum with == can fail (FIPS-11138). We generally recommend comparing extensible enums with equals like all Java objects. Nonetheless, caching in runtime repositories was improved to avoid recreating enum values.

Version 22.12.16.release

In Version 22.12.16, the following bugs are fixed:

  • DefaultRange#contains does not check empty (FIPS-9142)

  • No toXML is generated for StringLengthValueSet (FIPS-10229)

Version 22.12.15.release

When a product component is excluded in a product variant, due to technical reasons it is still retained with a cardinality of [0…​0, 0]. A call to for example getCoverages() should not return such a component since (Faktor-IPS 22.6) - only a call to getLinksForCoverages() would still reveal such a link with cardinality [0…​0, 0]. This is now actually working as intended (FIPS-10618).

Version 22.12.14.release

Just in time after the release of patch 13 we could fix a bug that annoyed with error dialogs in the product editor:

  • Exception after changes to product component (FIPS-9915)

Version 22.12.13.release

This patch release fixes the problem that Decimal#min and max threw an UnsupportedOperationException when used with Decimal.NULL instead of returning Decimal.NULL as before (FIPS-10403).

Version 22.12.12.release

In version 22.12.12, a bug while handling product templates has been fixed (FIPS-10046).

Version 22.12.11.release

The refactoring of the internal plugin structure unfortunately lead to some connections between Faktor-IPS' plugins to no longer working as intended. These errors are now fixed (FIPS-10087, FIPS-10090, FIPS-10125). Furthermore, the file DefaultGenericAttributeValidationConfiguration_en.properties for the english texts used in the generic validation was missing.

With FIPS-9176 we backported an improvement to the IGenericAttributeValidationConfiguration, allowing configuration of the access to a ValueSet and its usage in error messages.

Version 22.12.10.release

In Version 22.12.10, the following bugs are fixed:

  • Fix imports when mixing with/out interfaces (FIPS-9982)

  • Unrestricted Java-Enum does not contain all values (FIPS-10003)

If an Enum (isEnumType=true) is used as custom datatype and is configured as unrestricted in the product configuration we now generate an OrderedValueSet containing all values. The getAllValuesMethod configured in the .ipsproject file is used for this.

Version 22.12.9.release

In Version 22.12.9 an optional dependency is included, which is, depending on the used Eclipse, needed to import tables and enumeration contents from Excel.

Version 22.12.8.release

Release 22.12.8.release adds offline validation for the product variant plugin 22.12.1.

Version 22.12.7.release

Unfortunately we discovered shortly after releasing Faktor-IPS 22.12.6 that w3.org under certain circumstances may be reachable but still not return a valid XSD. We adapted our checks accordingly in 22.12.7.

Version 22.12.6.release

The Faktor-IPS schema validation’s ability to run offline relies on packaged schema files - which were missing in previous builds. Additionally Faktor-IPS now checks the availability of the W3C root XSD schema besides its own schema server and replaces that schema with a local copy as needed. (FIPS-9759)

Version 22.12.5.release

In Version 22.12.5, the following bugs are fixed:

  • IllegalArgumentException when creating model description view (FIPS-9692)

  • faktorips-valuetypes should use jaxb-api as provided dependency (FIPS-9705)

The change concerning the JAXB API means that depending on where (for example inside a JEE server that provides its own JAXB implementation) and with which JDK (Java 8 includes JAXB, newer versions don’t) the Faktor-IPS runtime is used, you might need to add a JAXB dependency to your POM:


Version 22.12.4.release

Version 22.12.4 fixes two bugs in the HTML export:

Version 22.12.3.release

Behobene Fehler

  • Recursion in AbstractRuntimeRepository#getEnumValueLookupService is called too often (FIPS-9621)

  • ProductReleaseProzessor throws NullPointerException when encountering model JAR reference (FIPS-9633)

  • Product components in folders with Unicode characters aren’t migrated (FIPS-9549)

Version 22.12.2.release

Version 22.12.2 fixes the following bugs:

  • Exception in .ipsproject XSD validation before migration from Faktor-IPS 21.12 to 22.12 (FIPS-9532)

  • Wrong version in pom created by the addNature wizard (FIPS-9501)

  • Source plugins missing in p2repository*.zip (FIPS-9521)

Version 22.12.1.release

Fixes Bug FIPS-9420(Error in reference search).

The versioning scheme was changed to be able to publish OSGi artifacts (Eclipse plugins) as well as Maven artifacts (runtime) with a unified version number.

Version 22.12.0

Faktor-IPS 22.12 only contains minor bug fixes and improvements (see below).

Eclipse 2022-09 (4.25) made extensive changes to Eclipse’s internal project dependencies. These changes still lead to problems including with Faktor-IPS. So we cannot officially support this version and generally advise against using it. We plan support for Eclipse 2022-09 (and later versions) as well as Java 17 as a minimum version for the development tools with Faktor-IPS 23.6. Should you foresee problems with that switch or require a patch for Faktor-IPS 22.12 in combination with a newer Eclipse, please contact us at fips@faktorzehn.de.

New Structure of Plugins and Update of Dependencies

The Faktor-IPS plugins have been further restructured. Custom plugins based on Faktor-IPS may need to add the new bundle org.faktorips.devtools.model.eclipse to their dependencies and organize their imports. In addition, the dependencies used by Faktor-IPS have been updated to their latest versions, leading to small changes, for example replacing org.apache.commons.lang with org.apache.commons.lang3.


The migration to Faktor-IPS 22.12 must be done from a Faktor-IPS no older than 21.6, because it changes some internal IDs in the files .project, .ipsproject and sometimes .classpath (from org.faktorips.devtools.model to org.faktorips.devtools.model.eclipse). Custom plugins must also be adapted to these changes, because many classes had to be moved. In most cases, the Eclipse operation “Organize Imports” should do the job.

Fixed Bugs

  • Renewed execution of product search does not work (FIPS-1432)

  • Tooltip "Ungültiger Testattributname…​" has error (FIPS-1548)

  • API of DefaultRange.size() does not match code (FIPS-4267)

  • Set correct min-cardinality when creating new links (FIPS-5556)

  • Export of extendable enums: columns have wrong values (FIPS-7188)

  • Association can be added to but not removed from read-only model object (FIPS-7396)

  • Third column in enum is always treated as literal (FIPS-7476)

  • Usage of enums as columns in other enums must be considered in create and insert statements (FIPS-8488)

  • Installed JDK not found in newer Eclipse versions. (FIPS-8585)

  • Access to enumeration attributes by name fails for upper-case names (FIPS-9003)

  • NPE Multiedit: Change of tariff variant in KF model (FIPS-9011)

  • ips-preferences validation error (FIPS-9088)

  • Description in New Wizards is unreadable (FIPS-9100)

  • w3.org xsd over https (FIPS-9185)

  • IpsTests can’t find ToC from Maven dependencies on Windows (FIPS-9196)

  • ModelObjectAttributes.resetAttributes(…​, IS_IRRELEVANT_BUT_NOT_EMPTY) throws Exception when Derived_on_The_Fly attribute is irrelevant (FIPS-9246)

  • HTML Export KF Model: value sets aren’t exported. (FIPS-9297)

  • NPE in ModelContentProvider (FIPS-9306)

  • Relative path to local Maven-repository does not work (FIPS-9335)

Further Features and Improvements

  • CVS Import throws exception with handwritten file (FIPS-6874)

  • Maven Mojo with Tycho release 2.4.0 (FIPS-8061)

  • XML-Schema for .ipsproject (FIPS-8675)

  • Faktor-IPS-Maven-Plugin with Tycho 3 (FIPS-9127)

  • Refactoring of attribute names should also rename rules (FIPS-6848)

  • "Migrate Projects"-wizard needs "Select/Deselect All" (FIPS-6964)

  • Label for validation of attributes should be configurable (FIPS-7758)

  • Better error message instead of NullPointerException for unknown inherited data types (FIPS-8471)

  • Product associations should always be able to not configure a policy association (FIPS-8562)

  • Product attribute of type String(multilingual) should be configurable as mandatory in the model (FIPS-8598)

  • Table descriptions should be displayed in model description view (FIPS-8949)

  • Schema in .ipsproject-templates in the archetype (FIPS-9015)

  • Unified treatment of null/empty String as default (FIPS-9042)

  • BOM for Faktor-IPS (FIPS-9045)

  • Archetype-Documentation: works in Eclipse from 2022-09 (FIPS-9220)

  • Switch to Tycho 3.0 Release (FIPS-9266)