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Faktor-IPS workspace settings




With the parameter buildIpsOnly Faktor-IPS will only generate the source code, which is then compiled by the “maven-compile” plugin in the lifecycle phase compile. If this parameter is set to false the Faktor-IPS build will generate the source code and compile it in Eclipse just before the “maven-compiler” compiles it again. Therefore the default value is true.


The parameter work can be used to overwrite the location of the workspace used to compile the Faktor-IPS project. It must not be set to a directory inside the project's own directory, such as the project's target directory, as Eclipse can not import a project that contains the workspace directory. The default value is ${}/${}/eclipserun-work.


By default a Faktor-IPS project will be imported as Maven project, therefore it must have a pom.xml file. It can also be imported as a Eclipse project if a .project file exists. This behavior must be activated by setting <importAsMavenProject>false</importAsMavenProject>.


With this setting <exportHtml>true</exportHtml> the Faktor-IPS build will export the model with the Faktor-IPS Html Export Wizard. To package the generated HTML export in its own JAR, configure the maven-jar-plugin like


Keep in mind that UI-libraries are required for the HTML export to work, so if you run this build on a CI server like Jenkins you will need a server with a desktop environment. For a pure CLI Linux server you can use the Xvfb fake X server for example.

Debugging the build

The parameter debug starts the build in debug mode and pauses it until a remote debugger has been connected. The default debug port is 8000 but a different port can be configured with the parameter debugPort.

If Maven is started with the debug option (-X or –debug) Eclipse will be started with a platform debug tracing facility file. If for some reason the standard trace settings are not suitable, a separate tracing options file can be specified with the parameter <debugLogOptions>/path/to/trace_file</debugLogOptions>. For more information how to write your own trace file see: FAQ How do I use the platform debug tracing facility


To correctly import and build the Faktor-IPS project in Eclipse, the plugin uses a Ant script, performing the necessary steps. If no path is specified, a new script is generated based on the configuration.

If a custom ant script is used the parameters exportHtml, importAsMavenProject and the JDK settings will be ignored from the maven plugin. The default target is import but can be configured with the parameter antTarget.


An example for a custom ant script:

    <project name="importProjects">
        <taskdef name="faktorips.import" classname="org.faktorips.devtools.ant.ProjectImportTask" />
        <taskdef name="faktorips.fullBuild" classname="org.faktorips.devtools.ant.FullBuildTask" />
        <taskdef name="faktorips.exportHtml" classname="org.faktorips.devtools.ant.ExportHtmlTask" />
        <taskdef name="faktorips.configureJdk" classname="org.faktorips.devtools.ant.ConfigureJdkTask" />
        <!-- <taskdef name="faktorips.mavenRefresh" classname="org.faktorips.devtools.ant.MavenProjectRefreshTask" /> -->

        <target name="doBuild">
            <echo message="executing faktorips import now" />
            <faktorips.configureJdk dir="${jdk.dir}" />
            <faktorips.import dir="${sourcedir}" copy="false" />
            <faktorips.mavenImport dir="${sourcedir}" />
            <faktorips.mavenRefresh updateSnapshots="true" />
            <faktorips.fullBuild />
            <faktorips.exportHtml ipsProjectName="my.awesome.fips.project" showValidationErrors="true" showInheritedObjectPartsInTable="true" locale="de" destination="${sourcedir}/target/html" ipsObjectTypes="ALL" />